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This is a responsive chant, where the leader says a sentence, and then the children say 'Jesus is Our Friend' back, as if they are talking to God.

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Jesus Is Our Friend

Leader: Even when we fail him, still…

Response: Jesus is our friend

Even when we forget him, still…

Jesus is our friend

Even when we run away from him, still…

Jesus is our friend

Even when we anger him, still…

Jesus is our friend

Even when we do things wrong, still…

Jesus is our friend

When we walk and talk with him, then…

Jesus is our friend

When we call upon his name, then…

Jesus is our friend

When we praise him every day, then…

Jesus is our friend

When we tell our mates it’s true, then…

Jesus is our friend

But best when we obey Him, then…

Jesus is our friend


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